Covid-19 India map

Data visulization (map) of confirmed cases of Covid-19 as of 1st october 2021

By Kundan K. Rao in Data_visulization R

November 22, 2021

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

I have made a statc and a interective map of India to visualize COVID-19 confirmed cases in India state wise as of 1st october 2021.

R programming packages used for making map:-

  • Map made with package tmap
  • tmap is very handy for making thematic maps in r
  • India_State_Shapefile :- Contains the shape file of India.
  • Code rmarkdown :- Contains the Rmd file of R Code
  • Code-rmarkdown :- Contains the HTML file of Maps
  • states :- Contains the COVID-19 India data
  • Images :- Contains screenshot of maps

Data was obtained from the following websites:-



I have made this project with following environment:-

RStudio Version 1.4.1717

R 4.1.1